Author Archives: Site Administrator
The Difference Between Truck Tires and Passenger Car Tires
Truck tires and passenger car tires are different in construction, and these differences are designed for their intended use and performance. The first and most obvious difference is that truck tires are simply larger and wider than passenger car tires. Beyond this obvious difference a key distinguishing factor is that passenger car tires (and… Read More »
Stryker Hip Replacement Recall
Hip replacement surgery is an extremely invasive, complicated and painful surgery. Recovery and rehabilitation can take many months. Obviously, this is an experience that no individual wishes to undergo once, let alone twice…for the same hip. In recent months however many individuals have required second replacement surgeries as a result of a defective hip… Read More »
Even a Race Car Driver Will Lose Control During a Tread Separation
Florida drivers need to understand the dynamics regarding the loss of vehicle control during a tread separation event. Tread separations occur predominantly in warm weather states. Florida, Texas, Arizona and California experience the highest number of tread separations throughout the country. Heat contributes to the degradation of a tire, and therefore it is no… Read More »
Tragic Boating Accident
American Lake in Lakewood, Washington, was the site of a horrific and tragic boating accident on March 1, 2009. That afternoon, David Kenny “DK” Ross, 14 years old at the time, was operating a kayak in the lake. DK was traveling to spend the day with his father on Silcox Island, when he was… Read More »
South Florida Bicycle Safety – There is more to worry about than Cars
South Florida has had an alarming number of bicycle accidents in the last ten years. The rise in bicycle accidents can be attributed to many factors including the increasing number of bicyclist and the increase in traffic congestion. Unfortunately, the South Florida infrastructure has not kept pace with the increase demand by cyclist and… Read More »
Deposing the Defense Tire Expert in a Tire Case
When a tire has failed by tread separation, and allegations are made that the tire was defective, by design and/or manufacture, a defense will undoubtedly be mounted by the tire company that manufactured the tire. As Florida tire attorneys who routinely deal with tire cases, we are not aware of any case where a… Read More »
To Prevent Spoliation in Tire Cases Use Preservation Letters
We have previously written that the three principle do’s for tire failure cases are: 1) preserve the evidence; 2) preserve the evidence; and 3) see rules numbers one and two. This is because, except for in rare cases, product defect allegations, including tire defects cannot be proven without the product being available for forensic… Read More »
Jeep Grand Cherokee Recall- Beware of Fires
When an automobile catches on fire following a collision, it can be disastrous and in turn lead to catastrophic injuries, including third degree burns and death. Many times this occurs as a result of a defect, making it a particularly serious issue because remedying the defect could prevent secondary injuries due to the fire…. Read More »
The Value of Studying Companion Tires in a Tire Case
When a tire fails, causing a rollover and catastrophic injuries, an investigation will follow regarding the cause of the tire failure. Tire manufacturers and sellers will rush to propose a catalogue of reasons as to why the tire failed. Not surprisingly, this list will always exclude design and manufacturing defects built into the tire… Read More »
The Myth of Rim Flange Grooving in Tire Cases
As hot weather leads to more tire failures in Southern states, Miami tire lawyers need to understand how to counter specious defenses raised to deflect attention away from the fact that a tire has been defectively designed or manufactured. One of the defenses commonly encountered by tire lawyers is the defense theory of rim… Read More »