Category Archives: Dog Bites

Can a Landlord Be Liable for a Dog Bite?
If you were bitten while visiting someone in an apartment building, you are probably wondering who you can hold legally liable for the bite. In Florida, owners are generally liable when their dogs bite someone—regardless of whether the dog had a history of aggressiveness. However, suing the dog owner doesn’t always make sense. The… Read More »

What to Do Following a Dog Bite
Each year, dogs end up biting 4.5 million people. These are serious injuries, and we encourage everyone to treat them seriously. Some dog bites lead to infections, some of which are deadly. Obtaining compensation is critical after a dog bite. In addition to medical care, many people have to take time off from work… Read More »

Dog Bites in the Workplace
You may have noticed that people are starting to take companion animals just about everywhere. From restaurants and grocery stores to airplanes, folks are bringing their furry friends with them. For many businesses, this is a growing market of consumers, and it makes good sense to attract new patrons by opening the rules and… Read More »