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How The National Electrical Safety Code Impacts Electrocution Lawsuits


If you have been injured due to electrocution, there are several things that you need to know. One of the most important is that the accident may not have been your fault. If so, you may be entitled to file a lawsuit against the company that maintained the dangerous condition on their premises. You may also be entitled to file a lawsuit against the power company if a downed electrical cable poses a danger to you or your family.

The National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) sets the standard when it comes to guidelines on the maintenance of power lines. It is a powerful tool for those who have been injured in electrocution accidents. If you have been injured, or a loved one has been killed due to a downed powerline, the NESC represents a powerful tool that you can use to hold an at-fault party accountable.

What is the NESC? 

The NESC was introduced over 100 years ago and is currently the industry standard concerning safety protocols for electrical companies. The code includes power substations and underhead power lines including televisions, phones, and railroad systems. It provides specific technical guidelines for installing, inspecting, and maintaining power lines. The code exists to ensure the safety of utility workers and members of the public.

The NESC covers elements such as:

  • Trees around power lines must be trimmed because the powerlines can electrify tree branches resulted in injury to workers and members of the public
  • There must be sufficient distance between power lines and buildings
  • There must be clearances around telephone poles
  • There must be a sufficient amount of working space around equipment
  • The installation of underground conduit systems
  • There must be sufficient distance between wires

When these guidelines are not followed, injury can result to either electrical workers or members of the public. These safety guidelines are designed to prevent injuries to workers who work with electricity and members of the public. They can also be used to hold a company accountable when they fail to implement the safety code.

Filing an electrocution accident injury lawsuit 

Power lines routinely carry 765,000 volts of electricity. That is enough to kill someone who inadvertently touches a line. The power company can be held liable if it fails to remedy a dangerous power line that it knew about before the injury occurred. Accidents include electrified tree branches, electrical arc flashes, and accidental contact with power lines. Those who live in hurricane-prone areas are at greater risk than others. Downed power lines frequently occur after inclement weather events.

Each year, more than 1,000 people die as a direct result of electrocution injuries. If you have been seriously injured or a loved one has been killed in an electrical accident, you need an electrical accident injury attorney to handle your claim.

Contact an Electrocution Accident Injury Attorney Today 

Halpern, Santos & Pinkert represent the interests of those who have lost loved ones or been injured in electrocution accidents. Call our Florida personal injury lawyers today to schedule a free consultation, and we can begin discussing your recovery immediately.

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